National Sexual Assault Hotline:

Breaking the Chains, Restoring the Voice

Chains of Silence breaks the silence for male sexual abuse survivors, providing a voice and support through their healing journey.

About Us

Chains of Silence is a nonprofit organization here to let survivors know they are not alone. What happened was not their fault. Through support groups, partnerships with organizations and connections, we aim to provide a community approach to recovery. We believe in offering hope by coming alongside everyone in their pain, brokenness, and bringing light to the darkness. If you or someone you know needs help, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our Mission

We exists to be a voice for males who have been victimized, breaking the chains of silence for survivors of sexual abuse, assault, or rape and helping them find healing.

Sexual Abuse Statistics

Did You Know?

Get Help

You don't have to go it alone. We're here to help.
Resources and Programs
A road to recovery, statistics, friends and family resources, and more.
Join a Community of Support
Join the weekly virtual support network for men. Sunday's 2-3 PM via Zoom.
Video Series to Recovery
Join our self-paced video series to aid you on your road to recovery.

Recommend Books

book recommendation review

Subscribe for Support: Monthly Newsletters

Welcome to Chains of Silence, a space where healing begins. If you’re a male survivor of sexual abuse, assault, or rape, we invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletters. Stay connected with a community that understands and cares.
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